Adelphi Rocks UPH
Occurs on
Thursday July 11 2019
Approximate running time: 3 hours
Event Notes
Tickets are $100 per person and include a complimentary drink upon arrival and delicious food choices all evening. The New York Players will be performing as well so be sure to bring your dancing shoes! Additional entertainment includes Sparkles The Tall Juggler, Phil Singer the caricaturist, Magician Alan Edstrom and much more! Proceeds of the event will benefit UPH, a year-round, performing arts and community events center in the heart of Saratoga Springs.
Tickets are $100 per person and include a complimentary drink upon arrival and delicious food choices all evening. The New York Players will be performing as well so be sure to bring your dancing shoes! Additional entertainment includes Sparkles The Tall Juggler, Phil Singer the caricaturist, Magician Alan Edstrom and much more! Proceeds of the event will benefit UPH, a year-round, performing arts and community events center in the heart of Saratoga Springs.